Speedy Sleep 911 Under Mentorship


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This package is perfect for families with children under 29 months and who are still in a crib, who need sleep and need sleep FAST! Are you pressed for time, exhausted, overwhelmed, and on a budget? Want a plan that is easy to follow, and one that you can commit and stick to without a full support package? If this sounds like what you need, you can be sleeping within 10 days!

What's included

  • Sleep issue assessment and analysis during intake
  • Custom Sleep Plan
  • Your 10 days will include email support (5), ensuring everything remains on track
  • The WeeSleep Tips Handbook – If you need guidance down the road, this detailed guide can help you navigate how to manage your child’s sleep while traveling, transitioning to a new nap schedule, and planning for daylight savings.


  • Not only will your baby sleep through the night and nap, but you’ll have laid a strong foundation for them to get the healthy sleep they need for years to come.
  • You will learn how to make naps stronger, longer and more consistent.
  • You will create a solid, safe sleep space that is conducive to healthy sleep (and we will teach you how to take sleep on the go!)
  • You will understand proper scheduling and nap and bedtime routines that work!
  • You will teach your child how to learn healthy, independent sleep skills in a comforting and supportive way with our guidance throughout

Next Steps


  • After you purchase your package, we will have you provide us detailed information and intake forms that allow us to understand and assess your little one’s sleep habits and challenges.


  • Within 24 hours of your consultation, you will receive your customized sleep plan in your inbox. You will be prepared with a sleep plan you feel comfortable implementing and you will receive 1-1 support from your WeeSleep consultant to keep you informed, consistent, accountable, and on track.


  • Now it’s time for you to get started.
  • During the 14-days you are working with your Consultant, you’ll use the WeeSleep web portal to share details on what is happening daily and how things are going.
  • She’ll review the information daily and contact you with recommendations, solutions, and answers to your questions.