Certified Lindsay Cunningham

Lindsay from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is a lover of fashion, Pilates, and reading a good book. She is a wife and devoted mother to her two little ones Leo, and Maria.

When she became a mom to her first born, she discovered strategies for sleep. That discovery transcended the entire newborn experience. Lindsay was able to see, firsthand, how beneficial healthy sleep was for her growing family. This allowed her to cherish her new role as a first time mom. When she had her second child, the addition of an active toddler made revisiting sleep strategy necessary to give the entire family restful nights.

Lindsay initiated sleep training her own children which instilled a passion along the way. The benefit and impact that sleep strategy could bring to another family needed to be talked about. This prompted her to explore a career as a Weesleep Consultant striving to help other families live a happier, healthier, more rested lifestyle.